Monday May 20, 2024

62. Bold Love 4 Teachers w/Teacher Be Still

If you're needing a little pick-me-up from a fellow comrade in the faith also stationed to serve in our schools, you're going to LOVE this podcast with Jill from Teacher Be Still! Jill carries a devoted heart to serving Jesus unashamedly in our public schools... and a big piece of this includes how she has loved teacher in her school, and now loves teachers from her business platform Teacher Be Still. Listen expecting to be stirred in your passionate love for Jesus first and foremost and then the mission He's called you to as a connected teacher.... yes, even at the end of the school year. We are praying you press into the realities of the Kingdom-- that you alone are not able to love enough, but He is! And Christ in you is your foundation for ALL you do in the world of teaching. He is our Source of all ideas, strength, and vision!!


Please check out Teacher Be Still's resources that Jill mentions in this show and keep an eye on their podcast and website:


NEW COURSE SALE: Your Kingdom Classroom available to you for $50 Off by Joining the Waitlist HERE or by visiting:


Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting



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